Thursday, November 8, 2012

Now that the Election is over I would like to point out that I did not follow President Obama like some uninformed liberal sheep. In fact, over the last four years The B- man has won me over a great deal. In 2008 he was far from my ideal candidate and I freely admit the last four years have proved to me that I should've had a bit more faith in the then Illinois senator. I found this piece that I wrote during the Democratic Campaign of 2008

Last week Hillary Clinton said that she would not drop out of the Presidential race because you never know what may happen, sighting the fact that Robert Kennedy was murdered in June. This led to a media uproar because apparently this was a death threat made to Barack Obama. It made headlines; I admit it wasn’t the brightest thing to bring up because by now she should know that anything she says is scrutinized.  There is a definite double standard in the way media has covered the two democrats.

I’m sure it seems like I’m just another Clinton supporter who is becoming a sore loser but there really is.  Yesterday Barack said, “I had an uncle who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps.”  What a compelling tale, except that the Russians liberated that camp. I’m an American History buff; trust me I know what I’m talking about.  Now in the interest of fairness, he is actually related to someone who liberated one of the smaller camps, Buchenwald. 

The lying isn’t what I have a problem with. He made a mix-up or maybe he said a well known camp to emphasize his point. That was a war that ended almost sixty years ago and there are more important issues that should be discussed by the candidates and media alike. There is a war in the Middle East, how about that? And what about health care- AIDS, child diseases? Then there’s our crumbling infrastructure and New Orleans is still in ruins. Maybe talk about climate change. These are issues that should be in the forefront but the coverage this year isn’t about the issues.  Sure I think this is wrong but the issue I have is the double standard.

If Clinton said this, she’d have been grilled to death. She always is. When he says it, it’s not even mention in the newspaper, forget about the headline. What is wrong with this? Are they scared of him? Do they not want to appear to be racists because they don’t have a problem appearing sexist. Or is it, and I can only imagine it must be this, that the American Press Corp is too scared to piss off Oprah for fear she will destroy them or stop giving away free cars or cancel her show, because if that happened how would people see Tom Cruise go crazy live. How would people know what to do if Oprah doesn’t tell them, then American’s would have to choose for themselves who would make the best president based on issues and voting records?

Nobody wants that because thinking is hard.

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