Friday, March 9, 2012

Camelot... 'Tis a silly place

Fun fact: The most accurate depiction of what the Middle Ages looked like was in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Everything was filthy everywhere and the Pythons were the only film makers to be brave enough to make it that way.

Grail, now out on blu ray, was the first film the comedy group made and many people consider it their best. The 1974 film also marked the first directing effort by both co- directors Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones and was the basis of 2005 Tony Award Winning musical Spamalot. If all that isn't impressive enough consider that Graham Chapman was completely drunk for his portrail of King Arthur, and half the time Gilliam was feeding him his lines.

The plot centers around the renowned King and his search for the knights of the round table and the quest for the Grail. Though, spoiler alert, they never get the Grail they do encounter killer rabbits, horney nuns, a silly French taunter, a knight who doesn't surrender even after losing all his limbs, and even more lunatics. They also go through the until now mysterious way to decide if someone is a witch: since they burn they must be made of wood (no you don't build a bridge out of her to see if she is made of wood because you could also build a bridge from stones.) Since wood floats she must weigh the same as something else that floats, concluding it is a duck.

If you have never seen the film, you should, now!! Don't even finish reading this- go now. If you did see but haven't bought one of the several special edition dvds that exist buy the blu ray. But apparently the special features are the same as the last few dvd packages so I won't be buying it, I will probably be watching it again soon.

1 comment:

  1. One of the best movies ever! It funny every time and I love doing it line for line lol.



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