Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Celebrities and the media: marriage of convenience or abusive spouse?

My original concept for my senior thesis was celebrities and the media but then through a series of misunderstandings the journalism program thought I was doing it specifically on Gloria Vanderbilt which I thought could be a fun challenge so I stuck with it. However, the relationship has always been one I am fascinated with. I am obsessed with who they decide to target as stars, who are the good ones who are the bad ones, who turns and why. Weather you want to believe it or not the media has a huge influence on what the population likes and how you feel about pop culture.

This is not to say that you have no control over your thoughts. You can think Lady Gaga is great, overrated, or an imbecile but the point is you can think it because you know her. That is the power they have. Look at all of those Linda Lohan types who complain about the paparrazzi. Where would they be without the photographers they supposedly hate? In Lindsay's case she hasn't work in years yet still gets paid to be her because the media keeps her relevant for her antics

But you know what, you can't blame the press alone for tragedy. Yes the paps torture stars and might lead them to misery but we are all to blame. You think it is despicable that Whitney Houston laying in a coffin covers Star Magazine, you're completely right but you know what, they wouldn't put it if people wouldn't buy it.

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