Friday, September 16, 2011


Being the TV addict that I am, it seems insane that I haven’t blogged more about the shows I watch. However, if you haven’t noticed, this summer didn’t seem to have a lot of time for blogs, or at least not extensive ones divulging into my thoughts on any particular topics. The 9/11 post notwithstanding, the last few months has pretty much been filled with my adventures, little bits of info, and a lot of fluff. For a while things have been a bit “Go, Go, Go!,” which I actually quite mind but it did mean on the occasion when I watched something that I wanted to blog about it was either an episode of a show that aired forever ago (I literally just watched last May’s season finale of GREY’S ANATOMY) and therefore irrelevant or I never had the time to sit and actually sit and go into details about said thing. I believe the common used phrase for this phenomenon is “living a life” but even so, writing has always been part of my life so it is a bit upsetting that I have been lacking sharing my opinions.

The one show that, no matter what was going on never went unwatched on my DVR for more than a day was TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY. The show started on my birthday and every week I would say how I wanted to write about it, the season finale was unfortunately last Friday so reviewing it, other than to say it was amazing seems pointless. However, this was actually the fourth season of the Sci-fi series but it was the first that aired on the STARZ network, and therefore the first that I could actually watch. The show, which is about a group of people, led by the immortal Captain Jack Harkness (played by hottie hot pants John Barrowman,) who investigate super human occurrences, was created by BBC- as in British Broadcasting Corporation- and used to air in the US only on BBC America, which is a channel that I have loved from afar for about a decade.

My cable provider Cablevision did not have this channel but I began to lust for it when I saw how great the lineup was on my grandfather’s TV in the early 2000’s. The first time I saw TORCHWOOD was on a plane back from Florida (Jet Blue has Direct TV, which does carry BBCA) in January 2006. I know what you are thinking, why didn’t I have quality time with my grandpa every week and watch the show with him? Well he died later that month (needless to say, not seeing the show wasn’t the worst thing about that.) Anyway so fast forward a few years, TORCHWOOD moves to America and comes to STARZ, I finally get to watch the show, and find out that the first three seasons are instant watch on Netfix (jumping for joy.) But wait it gets better- while channel surfing, waiting for the hurricane that never hit, I discovered that Cablevision had, just that day added BBCA and starting tonight, they are repairing the series from the beginning on Friday nights at 11:30.

So if you like mysteries, or sci-fi, find some way to check this show out.

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