Saturday, August 27, 2011

HURRICANE IRENE: The making of a star

Not since the snow apocalypse of nearly nine months ago has weather caused the news teams around New York to turn to the emergency WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE mode. Yesterday was the beginning of hyping Irene more than the latest Lady Ga Ga album and by this morning, all of the broadcast networks have turned to 24 hour coverage of hurricanegate.

Now I understand that this is a hurricane, and furthermore the first to come this way in umpteen million years but it is not even coming until tonight! The officials responsible for public safety are making every possible precaution, even Mayor Bloomburg if you can believe it. It is not going to end up being the next Katrina. Anderson Cooper won't make a political cry while standing in the knee deep water waters of Central Park West while smartly dressed Frenchies and Puggles float by helplessly.

This is New York, we survived an Earthquake this week and some of us didn't notice. We have Happy Hours that last from 10 am until last call. There will be damage, there will be wind and water, and it won't be pleasant but it will all blow over.



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