Thursday, March 25, 2010

Operation better Limbs

Since March or maybe it was early April 2008 I have lost 30 pounds. Not the most amazing diet in the world but I saw on E! News last night that Valerie Bertinelli's amazing transformation was 40 lbs over 3 years, which averages out to less than the 15 a year that i've done for two years. Take that celebrity trainers and frozen foods.

In all seriousness though Bertinelli, 49, looks a million times better than I do at half her age and the reason for this is my legs. Sure my tummy has been shrinking but my thighs are humongous! Ever single pair of pants I owned got looser and looser in the waistband but the inseams continue to wear out. Apparently the dieting and walking plan that I’ve been following isn't going to burn off that fat.

Aside from being potentially unhealthy, pants are costly. So I’ve decided to set a goal, reduce limb circumference by summer. I'll keep you all updated on what I do and how it works. In the meantime if you have any ideas, share them.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I think you'll be able to do it, if you could lose, and keep off, 30 lbs in 2 years you can do this! I would suggest trying the free work outs on IO and see if they help.



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