Friday, August 10, 2012

Crazy Commute

There was a wacko on the subway- I know shocking.  But seriously, this one was creepy.  He started out like any number of other nut cases I've encountered in my comings and goings; just kind of miserably mumbling to himself.  Would I have preferred he not be in my car, sure but he wasn't sitting right next to me and he wasn't trying to interact with me so it was okay. 
Then, however we hit train traffic and his angry mumbling got more obnoxious.  He said how he could get the place moving again by pulling the emergency call lever and while we did move shortly after, I'm pretty sure that was coincidence as there is always a several minute delay there.  Then he started talking about all this crazy stuff like Nazis leading to the trains having the "emergency only" speeds over 100 mph- on and on he went with his insanity and I mouthed to Lauren how I was getting off if he wasn't.  He didn't so we did just that.  Lauren took it a step further and told the police to investigate him at the next station.  He had a large backpack and it is better to be safe than sorry.  It was kind of funny that the police were going to brush it off until we said he was white because apparently, white girls feeling unsafe because of a white man seems very dangerous. 
This was the right course of action but it did lead to the 4 train being stalled and us half way to our transfer station.  Because of this, we had to walk 2 blocks (in not exactly the best neighborhood but rather safe at 8:30am) to catch a cross town bus, and walk to the blue line which gets us within three blocks of work. 
Not exactly the most time efficient way to get there, not to mention it costs a bit more.  Needless to say we value our lives over 5 dollars and being on time and are bosses are sweet and understanding to also choose our safety over fifteen minutes and $5.  That sounds stupid to say but not everyone would be so okay with our occasional dramatic tardiness and we know we are luck! 
Once again, we were good humored about it because, honesty sometimes you just have to laugh.  You can't take life too seriously; the rest of the day was tons of fun (playing in the rain, spending some time with Gigi and Thomas' grandfather who's visiting, ect) and if we'd let the morning get to us, the day might have been ruined.

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