Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm breaking up with bread

Okay that is a bit extreme but we are definitely seeing other people. After increased stomach issues led my doctor to run the celiac disease blood test, and and one conversation with the doctor later- I have a confirmed glutten sensitivity/ intolerance. It's not celiac disease and will most likely never be great(let's hope ) but it does mean that there will probably be less marathon heartburn episodes and week long gass pains(sexy I know.) It does also mean that I now have to balance out my glutten intake, if I don't want stomach issues then I need to say to myself "no sandwiched for lunch because you are having pizza for dinner." Self restriction isn't the big problem with this but rather thinking ahead about anything. The good news is the drop in bread and products with wheat is apparently not going to be that hard. The week between my physical and the blood results coming in I had gone very light on the glutten. The really good news, during the same week (napoleon birthday cake being a regular addition) I loss 3 pounds!!! I might have finally found my diet breakthrough. Wish me luck

1 comment:

  1. Luckily you don't have to completely cut it out that would suck!



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