Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Don't believe everything you see or read...

The following image appeared on a website stating that the former Mrs. “Winning Duh” had moved begun dating again and was seen with her new boyfriend… Ryan Star.

For those of you who don't know, or managed to miss this post, the START A FIRE singer is happily married. Furthermore, you might say famous people cheat so that means nothing, he probably thought he could get away with it, the only reason I saw the link to this website is because Star himself tweeted how funny it was. Not exactly something done by a man with something to hide.

Lastly, and probably my favorite part, is that the story referenced the romantic pose of the pair. If that meant anything, I guess Ryan and I have been seeing eachother since last Easter.

That probably makes the spending my birthday with him make sense

For their part at least the people who ran the "It's True" story posted a retraction on the bottom, not remove it mind you, but at least they did that.

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