In even more things that are going to challenge my diet news, last week our boss very generously bought Lauren and I boxes filled with Thanksgiving goodies from the treat truck. What is the treat truck you ask? Well it is exactly what it sounds like, a truck that drives around Manhattan selling treats.
One day Kim Ima had a vision, the Treats Truck! Oh, wouldn’t that be the best way to spend her days - baking and serving treats on the streets of NYC! Her love of baking and her love of treats and her love of New York inspired her to open her bakery, The Treats Truck. Delicious cookies, brownies and goodies galore for you and all your friends. What could be better than that? The Treats Truck team now spend their days concocting, baking, delivering and eating lots of treats. Treats are good is their philosophy! Their truck, named Sugar, is their retail mobile bakery, serving NYC and the surrounding boroughs. The Treats Truck does all of its baking in Red Hook, Brooklyn. In Red Hook, The Treats Truck bakers prepare all of the Treats Truck goodies for the truck and for special orders and deliveries. And if you just happen to be passing by, you just may get a cookie.
And what does the Treat Truck offer?

The Treats Truck is filled to the brim with boxes of your favorite freshly baked cookies, brownies and goodies galore!
The Standards
oatmeal jammy
oatmeal cookie with a jam center
oatmeal chocolate chipper
oatmeal cookie with chocolate chips
oatmeal old-fashioned
oatmeal cookie with raisins
chocolate chipper
chocolate chip cookie
chocolate chipper with nuts
chocolate chip cookie with nuts
caramel creme sandwich
brown sugar cookies with vanilla cream frosting
peanut butter sandwich
peanut butter cookies with peanut butter filling
sugar dot
a petite sugar cookie with icing and sprinkles
classic crispy
rice cereal and marshmallow
cran almond crispy
rice cereal, whole wheat cereal with flax seeds, dried cranberries, almonds and marshmallow
chocolate chip brownie
chocolate brownie with chocolate chips
chocolate chip brownie with nuts
chocolate brownie with chocolate chips and nuts
raspberry brownie
chocolate brownie with jam swirls on top
mexican chocolate brownie
cinnamon chocolate brownie with chocolate chips
pecan butterscotch bar
butterscotch bar topped with pecans
organic milk, organic soymilk, water, juice, tea and coffee, boylans soda, gus soda
The Specials!
rotating special treats pulled from our favorite recipes, including seasonal, holiday and customer-inspired creations
though all treats are special!
peanut butter and jelly cake sandwich, frosting sandwich, chocolate mint sandwich cookie, lemony lemon cookie, cinnamon creme sandwich cookie, brown rice crispy, chocolate chocolate chunk cookie, peanut butter brownie, ice cream cone cupcake, kitchen sink oatie, apple junior pie, peanut butter chocolate sandwich cookie, chocolate dot, coconut almost crispy, banana junior cake, pecan junior pie, buttercream frosted cupcakes, carrot junior cake, apricot dot, kitchen sink crispy, big sugar dot, espresso brownie and many more...

For prices and details on special orders and specific ingredients you can check out their website: www.treatstruck.com where you can also find out the schedule of where Sugar is going to be.
The treats were delicious, but along with being good, Treat Truck does good for the world 10% of the profits from daily special go to charity of the month which is a rotating list of charities.
As for my diet, the website states “We believe in the importance of treats - in our daily lives and for special occasions, both big and small” and you know what, so do I. Everyone deserves treats and I’ll fit them in. Everything in moderation right.

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