morning with first access going to guests (just $400 per night, a steal!) followed by first come first serve until they hit capacity. Knowing the way Cook fans are, I planned on door number two. The nighttime Best Buy concert access would
be given to the first 200 people to buy TLM starting at midnight.
The plan was leave work last night, eat dinner, then head over to the store to line up for a few hours, then go home and sleep late. I didn't end up doing it, which was a good thing because over 200 people had already shown up by Sunday night. I would have been heart broken and ticketless. Now obviously, I wouldn't give up on seeing DC but I didn't need to buy anything because late last week (by the grace of God, with an assist by Mom) I was awarded two VIP tickets to this morning's show. This meant getting to the hotel at 7:30 am (boo) and eating complimentary breakfast in the paramount "library" cafe WHILE watching David & the Anthemic's Today Show performance. After that, came the concert, videoed below and shot a few feet to my right.
If that wasn't enough, we were even brought back stage to see the guys. After the obligatory congratulations we spent most of the time telling the band about Gigi and how, at less than two years old, she has become a big fan. It was a wonderful and odd experience to think that the last time I had spoken to any of them, Monty in September '09, Gigi didn't even know us yet!

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