Friday, May 31, 2013

Heath Ledger's Joker Diary

When talking about his upcoming roles as the Joker to Empire Magazine way back in 2007, Ledger mentioned having kept a dairy as the character as part of his getting into the role process.

"I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary and experimented with voices - it was important to try to find a somewhat iconic voice and laugh.

I ended up landing more in the realm of a psychopath - someone with very little to no conscience towards his acts.

'He's just an absolute sociopath, a cold-blooded, mass-murdering clown, and Chris has given me free rein. Which is fun, because there are no real boundaries to what The Joker would say or do. Nothing intimidates him, and everything is a big joke."

It made me excited about the movie and, after Ledger passed I have often wondered if the diary would ever be published. Last year it was revealed by Ledger's father Kim during an hour long documentary about the actor for a German series called "Too Young to Die."

I managed to find the entire episode on YouTube this past winter, and tough I couldn't understand all of it, it was enjoyable. For some reason, today the internet was all a flutter about the clip with the Joker diary so I figured I'd share here.


"This is the Joker's diary.

In order to inhabit his character, he (Heath) locked himself up in a hotel room for weeks.

He would do that. He liked to dive into his characters, but this time he really took it up a notch."

"The hospital scene is interesting because when he was a kid, his sister Kate liked to dress him up as a nurse. He was really funny like that. He also was in the movie.

This is a make-up test which was done eight months before. Before the end of the shooting he wrote "bye bye" on the back of the page. It was hard to see this.'

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