One year ago today, though I was blissfully unaware, one of the greatest people to ever enter my life was entering this world. Today little GiGi, the amazing girl that I have had the pleasure of nannying for the last nine months, turns one year old.

When I met G she was mere week old but already she had signs of greatness; though she couldn't move much she was very alert and beautiful. The job officially started in November and it wasn't long before the little lovely had permanently implanted herself in my heart. Every smile made me smile and every giggle reminded me how lucky i was to be doing this for a living.
Since those early days GiGi has learned a lot, as anyone who knows me is well aware because I tend to gush about her. It quickly became habit for my mother to ask me on the phone, "So what new things has GiGi done today?” It sounds odd but watching her do the simplest things is amazing. She can now recognize her body parts on command (nose, head, belly, mouth) can clap, communicate through sign language and an assortment of words, she can crawl like a maniac (and walk but she likes to pretend she can't) dances, and best of all gives hugs and kisses all day long.
I suppose that, since we spend such a lot of time with her you could argue that Lauren (who works along side me everyday) and I are her second most influential teachers after her wonderful parents. But while that may be true, what she has taught me is far greater.
Babies have the greatest grip on life. When something bad happens (they trip or need a diaper) they cry and when something amuses them they laugh. GiGi never holds a grudge or decides if it is an appropriate time to laugh, something is funny she is going to laugh and doesn't care who knows it. She lives for the moment because it's the only way she knows but it is how we all should. Because of her, I have relearned how to laugh with wild abandonment and I think I’m better because of it. Also, due to my constant need for her to smile, I have danced while walking down the street or sung to her (off key) while stranger walk by and it has helped me greatly with my issues with seeming likable. I realize I might look crazy but you know what, there is no way to make everyone like you but I like me and that just might be good enough.
So thank you G (and her parents whom treat Lauren and I like family) I love you all and hope that i can help you as much as you've helped me.

This is such a lovely post. If we allowed GiGi unsupervised access to the laptop she would definitely leave you a comment thanking you both for always making her life so fun. She has had a wonderful first year with her two best friends!--N
ReplyDeleteYes indeed Happy Birthday Day to little G! I think you've summed it up perfectly, I too feel blessed to be a part of her life! GiGi is indeed getting "So Big," I can't believe she is one yer old already!