Due to certain circumstances, we only had Gigi today so we told her that she could do something really special and she decided she wanted to go see Graham. They hadn't seen each other since December when baby Tom was coming, and while we love Tom- baby plus extra loving Cavapoo does not add up to a good idea so Graham visits aren't something we were anticipating at least until he was over one.
Though when Graham and Gigi initially met Graham went to Gigi, the idea of Graham being all over Thomas' toys scared me a bit since T often explores with his mouth (ick Dog hair!) and in December (since visiting Graham was a ruse to distract Gigi from Mommy being in the hospital) Gigi had gone to my house so we all decided that she would go to him again.
It took and hour and a half on the train for one very patient toddler (and three hours for us to go get her and bring her back) but it was well worth it when the best friends reunited!

Aside from walking together a whopping 15ish blocks, the pair spent the day playing and kissing each other thousands of times. The even attempted to nap together but, as you can imagine that didn't work out so we had to separate them to get this result...
After more fun and snack sharing, it was time to get Gigi home so the two had to bid a sad farewell again for a while. We all agreed that Tommy was missed by that it was nice to have a day with just the three of us like the old days... but only one. Hopefully the next time T will be able to join us in the Graham festivities; maybe everyone will recover by then.

Sleepy twins!!

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