September 11, 2001 was the most beautiful late summer day in New York. It was the kind of day that you'd image to be the climate of some sort of utopian society; there wasn't a cloud in the sky until the clouds of smoke, ash, steal, and I don't even want to think of what else covered Lower Manhattan. They say in the book GOOD OMENS that you would think that there would be storms on the night the Anti-Christ was born because something that monumentally sinister, an event in itself so evil that would throw off the lives of everyone in existence would start off dreary or a bit ominous but that that was not the case. That is how you would imagine September 11th starting but that would be a clue and as I said, nobody really knows when the whole world is going to change forever.
I was 15 at the time, a sophomore in high school, a time when you feel like you have sort of figured out the world with an entire lifetime still awaiting you. Wise fool indeed (if you don't get this look up the definition of Sophomore.) Ten years later I still can't explain exactly how I have changed or what I or my life would have been like had that never happened. I knew people who died but nobody who meant enough to me that loosing them would impact me. Perhaps it is all the people who never had a chance to become important to me. Maybe the events of that day made me more apprehensive and timid although, for all I know it might have made me braver. I can't explain how I felt on September 10th or who that girl was meant to become, I just know it is different.
No matter who you are, or where you were when you heard, that day drew a line through history and for as long as time exists, we will forever live in a Post 9-11 world.
****These photos are from the Newseum in DC, taken on the day Bin Laden was captured ***

Very well said I agree completely!