For the last few years, Skin Care chain ORIGINS has been putting on a free Earth Day concert called EARTH ROCKS. Last year, the opener was Ryan Star and I left after him but this year (Wednesday) the headliner was Train, whom I have never seen live, though I do like a few of their songs. Having actually seen the far superior live versions (including MARRY ME, the sweetest song ever) I really thankful that Origins had them because next time I might even pay to see them.

Useless information about Train (but really just more proof I am not all there.)
When I was in High school, and first became a kinda fan of the band, thanks to whatever their hit was at that moment, I said to my mother (I think we were watching them perform on TV but am not sure) “Hey do you know how train got their name?”
She, needless to say, had not (nor did I mind you) so I continued, “The lead singer of the band [Pat Monahan for the record] was born on a Train and his mother thought it would be a nice name.” My mother, to her credit, knew that NSYNC was named by Justin Timberlake’s mother and told me that the story was really interesting before I got hysterical laughing and said, “Yeah, I’m lying.”
I don’t know why I did this or how the Grammy Award winning band actually did get there name, maybe one day I will.
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