I am fully aware that I have been severely slacking when it comes to blogs lately. There haven’t been as many as usual and, furthermore, the quality hasn’t been up to par. I do apologize for this but, today marks the one year anniversary of the last time I saw David Cook live and since I have written about all the other artists I’ve seen since starting this blog, I thought today would be a great time to go back and reminisce.To Start off, the picture at the top is the only picture I have taken that every band member was in, and something about it makes it one of my favorite photos have have ever taken*.
David Cook

Andy Skib
Guitar, Keyboard, Backup Vocals

Kyle Peek
Monty Anderson

Neal Tiemann
Lead Guitar
Lead Guitar

You may recall, I spoke about my first trip to Atlantic City (which was March 2009) in Life of a David Cook fan. Luckily, in September I managed to not vomit before boarding the bus, always a plus, but it didn’t mean the trip went off without a hitch. The plan was that we wouldn’t get a hotel room to save money, after all we barely used it in March anyway. After an amazing performance and random slot playing, this “genius” ideas was not turning out well. Here we were, exhausted and room-less when all of a sudden we saw someone roaming around looking as weary as we were, Monty Anderson.

He had a nice chat with us, joked that his room was free when we told him how much a room at the Borgata cost, and then we sent him off to get fat burger because he was tired (not pissed off which is how he identified himself in this picture) and, even more hungry. About a half hour later, we gave in and got the after midnight half (ridiculously) priced room and as we were heading up to the elevator, Monty saw us and yelled, "Night Ladies," holding up his bag of fast food. We in turn laughed and waved our key. We had all given in to temptation.
*For All Pictures of this concert:
I miss David! He needs to do a show ASAP!