Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Race for Hope is this Sunday and the bus I’m taking departs in exactly 40 hours from the time I’m typing this (noon- it’s another one of those writing it on my phone, don’t know when I’ll post days) and I just now sat down to write my list! You bet your bottoms I’m freaking out a bit. In fact, the only reason I won't be rushing around packing tomorrow night, about 12 hours before departure, is because someone desperately needed a babysitter so I’m working in Yonkers instead of Chelsea and will be able to go home and pack before going to the night job.
I don’t want to forget anything because I hate buying stuff that I have a ton of in my house. I just remembered, while typing this, I need camera batteries- I am a mess. I have my iPod on so I constantly have music pumping into my ears because it's calming. I just need to de-stress so that I can have a carefree time on my mini-cation (ironic that most people go on vacation to get rid of stress and I must get rid of stress to go on vacation.)
I'll just keep reminding myself, it doesn't matter if I forget Tylenol I’m sure there are stores and if I buy something I already own, oh well. The important part is going somewhere new, having a good time, and getting to do something good for the world while I’m at it. I'm sure the survivors that are at the race aren't panicking about if they are bringing enough undies or if they should bring a sweatshirt or just a jacket. They are just happy to be going anywhere that doesn’t culminate in a white light. The fact that I can be bothered by such trivial things is a blessing I suppose and for that, I thank god.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Music Monday: Burn Halo
It is another manic Monday here in NYC as I prepare to go to my third concert in the last ten days. Between that, birthday celebrations with Lauren, girls night out with Kristin, and the “sweeps night” fund raiser for my former elementary school my life has been go go go and with the Race For Hope next weekend and Communion and Graduation season kicking off it seems like the constant rushing around isn’t going to stop anytime soon. Not that I’m complaining; I don’t know when my life became so hectic but I am enjoying every minute of my new normal.
So tonight’s musical obsession of choice is Burn Halo, who I saw for the first time in September, after a recommendation by David Cook’s guitarist Neal Tiemann. The high-energy performance that night left me longing for another, one that tattooed front man James Hart promised would not be long off. I reiterate that was September. Still I had their terrific CD the memory of that show to get me through (in fact the only complaint I had about that beautiful Fall night was that my feet were killing me, never wear Hooker Boots when you have to wait outside a venue for what may be over an hour longer than anticipated. Lesson Learned)
- James Hart ~ Frontman
- Joey Roxx ~ Lead Guitar
Brandon Lynn ~ Rhythm Guitar/Vocals
Aaron Baylor ~ Bass/Vocals
Dillon Ray ~ Drums
When one door closes, another one opens. This couldn’t be truer for musician James Hart, who spent nearly a decade recording and touring as the front-man of Orange County band 18 Visions. After their breakup in early 2007, Hart quickly redirected his creative energy and honed his talent into a singular vision that fully represents his individual skill and ideas. Never losing momentum, Hart landed a label deal with Island/Def Jam and began working almost immediately with songwriter Zac Maloy on what would become Burn Halo’s charismatic self-titled debut.
Between May and October of 2007, Hart made weeklong treks to Tusla, OK to write and demo with Maloy, solidifying his objective of what the music would sound like and focusing on writing songs that would construct a well-balanced record. “I knew that I wanted a clear-cut rock ‘n’ roll band, which is something I had not had in the past,” Hart says of the music. “My vision and my brand of rock ‘n’ roll without having to compromise on any of the songs or any of the material. I wanted to make a very straightforward rock album. Something that had commercial appeal, but also something that had a classic, vintage mid-‘80s throwback vibe to it.”
Hart recorded the album from October to November of 2007 with Maloy as producer, laying down the tracks with an army of skilled studio musicians, including Nickelback drummer Daniel Adair, former Jane’s Addiction bassist Chris Chaney, and guitarist Neil Tiemann who now tours with American Idol winner David Cook. In the studio Maloy was particularly helpful in getting the best possible performance out of Hart, especially when it came time to lay down the vocals. “I really felt like he was able to grasp what I wanted to do and where I wanted to take this,” Hart says. “From a producer standpoint I feel like he really knocked it out of the park. As a vocalist he was able to bring a lot out of me instead of having me go through the motions and just get the part right. Emoting a little more than I have in the past. He was really able to pull a lot of character out of my voice.”
The result is a dynamic, gripping collection of gritty rock songs that immediately engage their listener, ranging from the propulsive “Save Me,” which Hart describes as the “heaviest” track on the record, to the memorable first single “Dirty Little Girl,” which features Avenged Sevenfold guitarist Synyster Gates. Hart also reveals his emotional and musical range on “Here With Me,” an emotive throwback ballad that resounds with immediacy and sincerity, and showcases Hart’s songwriting goals for the album. “I wanted to touch more on real life situations and real life stories,” Hart says. “I wanted to paint a real life picture. I started listening to country and a lot of those songs are very real and down to earth. They are songs about real life, about situations you would come across with a lover or the loss of a friend or heading down a dark path in life. I wanted it to be really simple and easy to digest. I wanted there to be no question about what I was singing about.”
After the album was completed, in early 2008, Island elected not to release Burn Halo’s debut, leaving Hart with the tough job of finding a new home for his project. Nothing felt quite right, though, so Burn Halo’s manager Bret Bair formed his own label Rawkhead Rekords through Warner Music Group to release the record. Hart spent much of 2008 finalizing the lineup of his touring band- which he hopes will help write and record Burn Halo’s successive albums- with Aaron Boheler on bass, Joey Cunha on lead guitar, Brandon Lynn on rhythm guitar, and Timmy Russell on drums. All that’s left is to show it all to the world. “I think this is a real statement album for me,” Hart says. “Anyone who is familiar with me and my past is going to be able to get this record. They’re going to understand why I made this record and that this is the record I’ve been wanting to make.”
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday Night PSA
I don’t really understand the point of being a bitch. It is fine to be proud of your accomplishments but why at the expense of others? I myself was a pretty great student (except Spanish) and rather good athlete but I never faulted anyone for not being able to catch a baseball or failing a test about “Hamlet.” There really was no need, I wasn’t the most amazing person in my dance class and, as a short white girl, basketball was never my forte. Nobody’s perfect.
Another thing I don’t get is why they are so proud of stuff that is predetermined like hair color or being naturally a certain body shape? I really don’t see it as an accomplishment that you can eat an entire cake every day and still be wearing a string bikini while I, who have been dieting since I was like 10 can’t wear a pair of jeans without my thighs rubbing together like boy scouts trying to start a fire with sticks. Let’s be frank here, your naturally straight hair and size 5 waist aren’t the reason you have so many boyfriends it’s because you’ve been giving them BJs since middle school (come to think of it maybe that’s what keep the abs in shape.)
The worst part is they think that the world should just give them stuff because they decide they are entitled to it. I don’t understand why you think you deserve a scholarship when you were the best athlete on the worst team in the school district. That is like being the least slutty doctor at Seattle Grace*, it’s not really good enough. And bitches are always thinking that they can get away with everything and are great manipulators. They believe that they can just use people like toys for their satisfaction by preying on the naive. You know the people who have good intentions and see only the good in people? This is their greatest skill in fact.
Well I have news for you bitches, you are not Teflon. The high school bitches are just that, once they reach the real world they are nothing more than a face in the crowd. There will always be someone prettier, smarter, and better at whatever you were the best at as the big fish in the small pond. As for the “I can get away with anything” bitches, always remember you are shallow and a one day you will mess with the wrong looser who has someone who has spend their whole life dealing with bitches bigger and badder than you fighting to show them reality. It might take time but one day (and you don’t know when that day will come) you will get yours from that Hilary type getting even.
*Grey’s Anatomy reference, if this is a real Hospital I have no knowledge about the sexual promiscuity of the staff
Thursday, April 22, 2010
No Time To Talk About...
I was going to a concert Monday which meant Sunday night was filled with me rushing to wash my hair before Desperate Housewives came on and doing things like styling my hair and getting everything in order during commercial breaks of Brothers and Sisters. Monday was not much better with trying to dress, make dinner, eat dinner, and put on makeup while bouncing around the baby I nanny. Yesterday was Wednesday, my day to relax because I only work at night, and even that culminated in getting home after 11 and running around trying to drink my nightly dose of milk while getting the coffee in the coffee pot, prepping my work stuff and doing my nightly wind down routine all as quick as possible because I should have been in bed at 11. Oh and when I finally got to bed my dog decided to bark and bark and bark.
I was actually excited about how boring the rest of the week was going to be. Work today, go home to veg out, work tomorrow and then get home and rest up (maybe catch up on my dvr) until I went out to a party Saturday night. However, this was not in the cards. My boss snagged Lauren and me tickets to America’s Got Talent tomorrow night, awesome but it means more rushing around. It's currently 7:30 and I’m typing this while waiting for Metro North because it is faster than the subway and I need all the time I can get. My goal is to get home, eat, do birthday cake for Lauren, shower, shave, wash my hair, dry and style my hair, I assume completely by pass watching TV, find an outfit and comfortable shoes that match, and maybe just maybe check my email and post this-all before 11. Oh and I forgot: wear pjs, set up the coffee pot and pack my bag before tomorrow (who knows when this blog'll post.)
I’m exhausted but I am having a blast with going out almost every night. So how is your week going everybody?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Happily Ever After and then what?
Do you ever wonder what happens to characters when you don’t see them? You know, the time between episodes or after the credits roll? I once received the strangest look when I suggested that, while Queer as Folk's bad boy Brian Kinney was never actually seen saying the words I love you to his bratty boyfriend Justin, it didn't mean he never said them. Characters are built with back stories so why don't we get an epilog or some updates on them when the story ends?
Call me crazy but happily ever after is a bit simple for my overactive imagination. Sure the good weigh out the bad but there has to be some excitement or adventure. Did the Little Mermaid lay eggs or give birth? How did Giselle from Enchanted react the first time Robert wanted to do something more than kiss? Did Anita and Roger have the sense to fix their puppies or is there a house somewhere in the English countryside with something like 505 Dalmatians?
Apparently I’m not the only person to think about things like this. In May, authors Barry Nelson and Tom Schecker are set to release MR. ED: DEAD AND OTHER OBITUARIES OF THE MOST FAMOUS PEOPLE WHO NEVER LIVED.

The book, which explains the death of some of America’s most lovable characters, was clearly written for readers with a unique sense of humor (Snow White kills herself with a bad apple, Betty Crocker would liked to be mixed with sugar and flour and cremated for an hour at 5000 degrees) so if you want to know how the lives (and subsequent deaths) of your favorites played out and you aren't too uptight check out this future best seller.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Music Monday: Phil Marshal

1. He's British
2. He's from David Cook's pre-Idol days
3. He write his last album in a week
4. He gives you free stuff
Now unless you can think of at least four reasons not to check out his music (some of which is free so you can't say you can't afford it) go to the link below and download some Phil Marshall
Did i mention it's free!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My First Culture Shock
Every year, SUNY Purchase (my former college) holds a mid- April Festival known as Culture Shock (or Vulture Cocks for insiders.) The outdoor festival has a carnival atmosphere carnival rides and food vendors, is made up of indie musical artists from a variety of genres. Culture Shock began in the 1990's as a Purchase Band showcase, but has evolved into a cult love affair for those with music taste on the boarders.
I went to the school for four years and never attended the shock, don’t really know why but it never appealed to me. So today, two years after graduating I decided to attend my first Culture shock and I’m glad I did. I always loved the uniqueness of Purchase (a place that to an outsider might look like a safe haven for freaks) and it was good to go back home to the place where it wasn’t uncommon to see a robot or a guy in a dress walking around with LARPERS, in front of art displays I still can’t understand.
In honor of the retuning to College for a music festival, it seemed only fitting that I add some blue streaks to my hair and way too much eye shadow to my face.
Now I know that it has been two years since I was a student but I still carry around my student ID in my wallet, which is something I have been mocked for, but today it actually paid off. Students rode the rides for free, without an ID it cost $10 which I would not pay for three rides. Not only did I use my ID but my friend Lauren managed to say that she lost hers and both of us got the free wrist band.
We were going to enjoy Melvin but it appeared he had eaten the man who went on before us and I never want my obituary to read “eaten to death by a giant green frog snake thing”
Lion of Ido (a band recommended by Ryan Star) was playing and were actually the driving force behind my decision to go today. I have been trying to see their shows in the city since downloading their EP but for one reason or another have never seen them live before.
Having finally seen them I recommend that you do the same. In the mean time, if you’d like to download their free EP go to
There was one of those only at Purchase moments when the band had to stop mid-show because Campus police was about to tow their car away.
So that’s how I spend my afternoon, not bad for a day I planned to go to Costco. How’s everyone else’s Saturday going?