It hadn't been the first time I’d gone out of my comfort zone for Cook. If I don’t have to work I tend to sleep until the afternoon but I had twice gotten up while it was still dark because of the singer with the voice that owns my heart. Once was to see him tape the Today Show a week after he won American Idol and the other was to be one of the first 100 people to buy his album and get a free ticket to his album release party. But those times I was sacrificing time where as Atlantic City I was sacrificing money, and lots of it. After calculating the price of tickets, transportation, and an overnight stay at the Borgata hotel and casino I jokingly labeled the date in my planner as, “the day I officially lost my mind.”
I’d love to say that that was the last time I did something like this but that would be a lie. In august I left a week vacation at the ocean to come into Manhattan to see Cook play Time Square. Not nutty enough? How about when I add in the fact that I had an ear infection with an eardrum about to burst? The night ended with me in tears at Penn Station; codeine couldn’t numb my pain but during the show Cook was my anodyne. Just a month later I repeated my Atlantic City trip sans vomiting. I really have lost my mind.
The point I’m trying to make is the man has a hold over me. Tonight Cook will be doing some live stream thing over the internet at midnight. I have to be up for work seven hours later. I usually go to bed around 10:30 or 11 on work nights. I have been up since 7 today and have a sinus infection but
do you think there has been one second today where I thought about not having Cookie as a midnight treat?
If you aren’t a David Cook fan you can’t understand this, if you are one I know I’m preaching to the choir. Being a fan of David Cook and his band the Anthemic is not simply about favoring his music, it is something much greater. David Cook is a lifestyle choice.

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