I can't stop talking about...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A blog to make you think

"Nothing's permanent... Not even death"

Fun fact: I see dead people, specifically one dead person.

I’m not talking about dreams where those I have lost appear to me (though yes that happens) I mean during the day, walking among the living. Ok, ok before you think I’m going all John Edwards, I should explain; the person that I see is a celebrity who apparently died during the last decade. For this blog I will call the said deceased Robin as it can be either male or female and I want to be vague. I know that seems unfair and the first time (and second) time I encountered Robin or Robin’s double I was actually going to blog about how eery it was but then, once I started to think about it, I figured it would be better to no blow Robin’s cover.

I have always laughed at people who say that Elvis is still alive (now it’s happening with Michael Jackson.) It seems like desperate thoughts by fans that cannot let go of the artist or the time in their lives that he represented. Either that or they were completely delusional because yes I’m sure they do think that they saw Elvis walking around Nashville or going through security at the airport but it was obviously one of the million impersonators who make a perfectly good living imitating him. I’ve seen them perform in LEGENDS and they are great but not Elvis. I do firmly believe that in some cases actors who are thought to be dead *cough* Tu Pac *cough* are seen in public because they are in a witness protection situation because their lives were at risk but that is not the case with Elvis and it wasn’t with Robin’s. I was told by media that Robin was dead, saw pictures of a body bag entering an ambulance, and read the tributes and never questioned it because I am not one of those people.

Then one day I was walking around with GiGi and there, sitting in the bar across the street was someone who, if I didn’t know it was impossible, I would have sworn it was Robin. The voice was the same (except with a rather shitty accent,) the look was exact, I literally had chills run up and down my spine as if I was listening to the laughter of a ghost. I ran over to Lauren and told her and she responded that it was creepy but she hadn’t seen. I got on a train, shaking my head, thinking it was all my imagination until, about forty minutes later, my cell rang.

“Liss, G and I walked past the bar on the way home, that was Robin.”

I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had seen a person I couldn’t have seen but I continued to tell myself it was just a look alike; someone unfortunate enough to have looked like someone famous. Only, the more I thought about it, the more I could see, maybe Robin faked his/her death. It happens all the time in the movies right? And money can buy you anything, can’t it? I finally made my mind rest with the simple, “it doesn’t matter” which kept the thoughts at bay until I saw Robin walking three days before Christmas. Better view of the face which, coupled with being stuck inside because of the blizzard, made me think harder about it. Robin had done a lot of death scenes, so the practice would’ve made Robin an expert, and there were interviews that made me go, “huh?” There were a ton of coincidences- perhaps too many- and some things just didn’t add up.

I had figured out motives, yes plural, and how it might’ve been pulled off by the time I saw Robin the third time -face to face as he/she brushed by me, and have since seen on the internet that I am far from the only one to spot Robin in the postmortem years. I no longer question why, or get that eerie feeling, it simply is a fact as much as when Jude Law bumped in to me a few weeks ago. The only question I have left is, how do you do it?

There is definitely a payoff of dying young and famous, to be sure just as good old Johnny in IODP:

They're all dead.

Yes, but...

Immortal, nevertheless.

They won't get old or fat.

They won't get sick or feeble.

They are beyond fear...

Because, they are forever young.

They are gods.

Now we are told that Celebrities are just like us, so pretend for a minute you have all of the resources you would need to pull this off, you could get away with it, and whatever personal motive would make you consider such a stunt. Whatever it is, it all goes away if you just get up one morning and walk away from everything you’ve worked for. You just have to leave behind every possession you have acquired(people would notice if too much was gone) throughout your life and never see most, if not all, of the people you know in this world, unable to console them and tell them that it is ok because, to them it isn’t and never will be again.

Could you do it?

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