I can't stop talking about...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reality Bites part II: Why There Will Never Be Another Season Seven Of American Idol

American Idol was the greatest show I had ever seen, The first episode I’d ever watched was the season one finale and I was so hooked I counted down the days until season two. By the time Ruben won that year, Idol was my favorite show. I have on many occasions, including my prom, been out and called home to find out the results because I couldn’t wait a few hours to find out.

Then came Season 7, March 2008.

After season 6 I had decided that I would never vote again, I have no idea what exactly set this off, but I had realized that my vote was the kiss of death and I wouldn’t do that again. This lasted until Aussie Michael Johns, one of my top 3 favorites, was given the boot. Then I started voting my fingers to the bone in hopes of saving my pick from the beginning David Cook from elimination. Apparently, I was no longer the kiss of death because Cook won and has gone on to go platinum. I was overjoyed because I picked him as the best when he auditioned looking like a rooster in a Cosby sweater, belting out a version of “Living on a Prayer” that kicked off a love affair with his voice that many of you are aware of (if you aren’t familiar, I’m sure you will be as this blog grows).

Season8 did not live up to its predecessor and now season 9 doesn’t appear to be much better. Simply put, Season 7 broke AI. You might think this is a longing for David Cook but it isn’t, top to bottom the final 10 could out sing anyone that has appear in both 8 and 9.

It’s sort of a double edged sword for me, my favorite show is awful so I should be sad but I witnessed some amazing artists appear on the music scene and, in the case of Cook, got to watch a man who may go down as one of the greatest artists of our time finally get the record deal he so long deserved.

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