I can't stop talking about...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pinkberry Part II

Ending my last post with the Pinkberry hasn't killed me yet and then not blogging yesterday was not a planned move, I was simply unable to get my day together enough to take a break to write. Nothing like a little suspense, though, huh?

However, we are now over 48 hours out of the Pinkberry experiment and I was right, nothing bad happened. I don’t know what it is about the chocolate but apparently it really does block whatever causes my allergy, or perhaps the two interact and therefore the allergen is removed for the chocolate variety.

NOW FOR THE DISCLAIMER: this worked for me, which is awesome but that doesn't mean that it will work for everyone with a yogurt allergy and I don’t recommend that people with them just jump right in to a cup. If you want, introduce it gradually like i did and if anyone does repeat my experiment, I’d love to hear about it.

And while we are on the topic of Pinkberry, apparently singer Seal had a run in with security at a movie theater after he refused to throw away his Pinkberry treat before entering. This is an award winning entertainer who managed to win over a supermodel, how is it possible he doesn't know you hide it in a bag and sneak it in like the rest of the world? I myself have snuck in everything from Starbuck's Venti Frapicinnos to an entire Chinese food meal.

Come on Seal, step it up.

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