Monday, October 7, 2013
Why Have I not been doing this

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Fire down the block
Last night, or should I say early this morning, it sounded like an air raid was above my house. By that point there had been about an hour's worth of sirens- both police and fire- zooming around the neighborhood. It's New York so the sound isn't really all that uncommon and there is an ambulance station a few blocks away so as long as I don't see the lights flashing by the window, it doesn't really phase me. Helicopters, however, get my attention and even more so when there are no search lights lighting up the streets.
Looking out the window I found the bottom of my block was nothing but a cluster of flashing lights. The two ladies next door were heading toward the chaos and yelled up that it was a fire, "A lot was burning." Clearly Graham needed to go for a midnight walk so I through a sweatshirt over my pajamas and headed towards the sirens. The avenue was covered in rescue vehicles in every direction. Apparently around 11pm fire started in one of the twenty eight local bars- Behan's Pub and had spread to Emerald Pharmacy next door. It took fire fighters over two hours to subdo. Seven People, six of them fire fighters, were treated at hospital but the injuries weren't serious. And as if this wasn't enough excitement for one neighborhood, rumor has it the bar was a drug cover because apparently the Irish were playing Breaking Bad the home game.
*Though I took photos, all of these are courtesy of Eye Witness News.Tuesday, August 13, 2013
In Honor of Lefties Day- Left Handers Lament
Here's the story of my life,
I've had fun but there's been strife,
For I was born left-handed, but I'm proud
To be one of the elite, right-handers we can beat
We're the 10% that stand out in a crowd!
Ah but as a little lad, oh the problems that I had
Winding clockwork toys was just a mystery
Tying laces was a pain, couldn't get it in my brain
Everything was back-to-front it seemed to me
We're the Cack-Handed Kings, we're the LEFTIES
You right-handers just don't have a clue
'Cos if you'd been through what we've been through
Then maybe you would feel superior too!
At 5 I went to school and I was treated like a fool
Being left-handed I stood out from the pack
And trying to learn to write was not a struggle - more a fight
For I had my left hand tied behind my back
"You just get it in your head" the sympathetic teacher said
"You use the right and not the Devil's side"
Those supposed men of vision caused me pain and such derision
Is it any wonder often times I cried?
We're the Southpawed Princes, we're the LEFTIES
You right-handers just don't have a clue
But if you'd been through what we've been through
Then maybe you would feel superior too!
Time then came when my voice dropped
And my face was one big spot
But I was glad when my teenage years arrive,
Because I use my left, I was different from the rest
And the girls saw me as something of a prize!
And I learned some handy tricks in the back row of the flicks
It used to drive my girlfriends all berserk
For their eyes would keep apace of my right hand - just in case
And they never saw my left one go to work!
We're the Scammy Handed Heroes, we're the LEFTIES
You right-handers just don't have a clue
But if you'd been through what we've been through
Then maybe you would feel superior too!
Well I'm married now, worst luck
But my wife she's given up
Asking me to do the chores like peeling spuds,
Or trying to cut the bread, I'll get a 4 by 2 inch wedge
Lose three fingertips and half a pint of blood
And I'd love to be a dad, but I've hit a kind of snag
If you can help please tell us what to do
The problem simply said, is that I'm a left-hand thread
But my wife you see, now she's a right-hand .....OH, YES WE'RE THE
We're the Cuddy Wifter Winners, we're the LEFTIES
You right-handers just don't have a clue
But if you'd been through what we've been through
Then maybe you would feel superior too!
So now we reach today, where you sit and watch me play
And yes, I play right-handed it is true
For the very simple fact is that I've had to adapt
Something all us southpaws have to learn to do
We have trouble tying ties, writing cheques out, using knives
and scissors that were made for your right hand
And when it comes to sport once again we are left short
For in hockey and in polo we are banned
We're the Cack Handed Kings, we're the LEFTIES
You right-handers just don't have a clue
But if you'd been through what we've been through
Then maybe you would feel superior too!
Now I'll finish off my song and as you move along
Please bear in mind the things I've had to say
And please show some respect for your friends who use the left
Thanks for listening to me this Left-Handers Day.
Copyright: Ian Radburn, 2004
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Mercury Lounge
Selection of videos:
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Ryan Star returns
When I heard about it in early July, I planned going every night- you know because I am rational like that. Sadly, for me but great for Ryan, tonight was the only one with door tickets available.
Rockwood is, however, like his second home and it was an amazing show because of it.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Zero Theorem preview at Comic Con
The lucky people at San Diego Comic Con were lucky enough to get a preview of Terry Gilliam's latest masterpiece and, very kindly shared the experience.
"Terry Gilliam is the director of science fiction classics Brazil and 12 Monkeys, and he debuted the first ten minutes of his latest weird vision, The Zero Theorem, at Comic-Con this afternoon. It stars Christoph Waltz, looks like a cross between Blade Runner and Sesame Street, and will blow your mind. Though Gilliam couldn't be at Comic-Con, he included a goofy, maniacal personal message with the footage. "They've trapped me in here without access to the internet until I finish this movie!" he said, gesturing at what looked like an editing suite in his house. "I'm relying on fans at the NSA to record everything I'm saying and pass it on to you." His cheerful paranoia was the perfect introduction to The Zero Theorem, which is about a man who is sort of like a software developer of the future — his bosses at Mancom (a horrific amalgam of Facebook, the NSA, and Google) call him a "our greatest number cruncher," when in reality his job is a lot more complicated than that. All Waltz wants is some disability leave, or at least be allowed to work from home. But his superiors at work don't believe his claim — that "we are dying" — partly because he's only one person, and partly because he's in perfect health. In those first minutes of the film, it was already clear that this is another of Gilliam's meditations on the life of talented but psychologically unhinged bureaucrats who yearn for more meaning in life. Oh, and he's also waiting for a mysterious phone call to arrive on a Gilliam-esque contraption on his desk, next to glowing vials of information and swirling images of outer space."
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Birthday Dinner
Friday, July 5, 2013
God's Pocket
Thursday, July 4, 2013
From Huffington Post: just another reason to love Anderson Cooper
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
My "Michelle Williams" letter to the editor
Last week I wrote a letter to People Magazine about Michelle Williams. However, Kim Kardashian had a baby the next day, stopping the world from reporting anything else, and my letter wasn't printed. Luckily, I am sharing it here.
-------- Original message --------
Subject: Michelle Williams
To: "editor@people.com"
In the June 24th issue you praised Michelle Williams' most recent relationship with Artist Dustin Yellin. I believe it was in PEOPLE's cover story Love Gone Wrong Over Drugs, where unknown "friends" of Michelle Williams were quoted as saying that Michelle kept Matilda away from Heath in his final months of life because of his drug abuse. You, the most trusted celebrity magazine never wrote a retraction to this when there was never any evidence, nor did you mention when you reported on the Vanity Fair article where his friends reported Heath's side that Ledger said it was incompatibility that led to the relationships demise or that he had not had so much as an alcoholic drink in months. However, what really irritates me is Williams continues to play the poor lonely widow, who wants nothing but the best for her daughter over five years later after Ledger's death. The reality is before Ledger's death she was dating dating Spike Jonze, who admittedly
does drugs. Then last Spring she had no problem leaving her daughter with a guy she had been dating only for a few months and who is reportedly an alcoholic (Jason Segel) while she was in another city, nor did she have a problem living with him. Now after a few months post Segel, whom Matilda had reportedly become very attached to, she has introduced her daughter to yet another boyfriend, Dustin Yellin who has a rather shady history involving drugs, overdoes and even stabbing. As recently as an April 2013 interview he even freely acknowledged dropping acid to get inspiration for his art. I'm not judging these men's lifestyles and, as a 32 year old, Michelle is free to date whomever she chooses. However, her continuing to introduce her young daughter to all of these men, who inevitably leave her life forever, is surely detrimental to the child's psychological development.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Heath Ledger's Joker Diary
"I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary and experimented with voices - it was important to try to find a somewhat iconic voice and laugh.
I ended up landing more in the realm of a psychopath - someone with very little to no conscience towards his acts.
'He's just an absolute sociopath, a cold-blooded, mass-murdering clown, and Chris has given me free rein. Which is fun, because there are no real boundaries to what The Joker would say or do. Nothing intimidates him, and everything is a big joke."
It made me excited about the movie and, after Ledger passed I have often wondered if the diary would ever be published. Last year it was revealed by Ledger's father Kim during an hour long documentary about the actor for a German series called "Too Young to Die."
I managed to find the entire episode on YouTube this past winter, and tough I couldn't understand all of it, it was enjoyable. For some reason, today the internet was all a flutter about the clip with the Joker diary so I figured I'd share here.
"This is the Joker's diary.
In order to inhabit his character, he (Heath) locked himself up in a hotel room for weeks.
He would do that. He liked to dive into his characters, but this time he really took it up a notch."
"The hospital scene is interesting because when he was a kid, his sister Kate liked to dress him up as a nurse. He was really funny like that. He also was in the movie.
This is a make-up test which was done eight months before. Before the end of the shooting he wrote "bye bye" on the back of the page. It was hard to see this.'